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How it Works

How It Works

An independent Board of Advisors managed by Community Foundation of the Lowcountry will review all requests for funding by an approved physician and formal application by the recipient.  Approval for funding shall be based on need and availability of funds.  Funding may be up to $2,500 per applicant for breast cancer testing or procedures aimed at early detection.  Members of The Alliance Group Realty and their families are not eligible to apply.

The funds stay local. All eligible applicants must be residents within the established service area of The Alliance Group Realty which includes Southern Beaufort and Jasper counties in South Carolina.


How The Money Is Raised

The Alliance Group Realty is committed to donate funds annually.  The associates of The Alliance Group Realty may make voluntary contributions from their home sales, accept donations from others and conduct fundraisers with approval from The Alliance Group Realty and Community Foundation of the Lowcountry.



The Alliance Group Realty will forward all funds collected to Community Foundation of the Lowcountry and receive a full accounting on a regular basis. Community Foundation of the Lowcountry charges 2% on the average balance in the fund annually.  This fee includes: administrative and fund management services, gift and distribution processing and coordination of Board meetings. All funds raised stay local.


Tax Deductible

All donations are tax deductible to the donor as allowable by law. Community Foundation of the Lowcountry will provide gift acknowledgements for all charitable contributions.

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